Where I've Been. Where I'm Going.

Hi friends, Happy New Year! It's been a few months since my last blog post and if you read my 'Taking A Break' post you'd know why.

2018 was a year filled with lots of good times and memories as well as lots of hard work and stress. During the last three months of the year I was working day and night on building my YouTube channel audience, filming and editing videos, creating content for Instagram and overall growing as a brand.

In 2019 I plan on continuing to work hard on my brand but also on myself. I did notice during those three months that I tend to put my passions and work over my health and well being. Which lead to health issues early in the new year, although my health is not it's best at this point in time I am doing everything in my power to better myself. With that said, I'm grateful to have recognized my problem as soon as I did because it allowed me to take quick action to get healthy.

In the new year I look forward to getting healthier, to growing as an individual and to sharing more of my life with you. I wish you nothing but the best in 2019! Until next time friends, take care.

Keep up with me on Instagram and YouTube

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